A key step in personalizing your Facebook business page, as well as creating a unified brand identity, is claiming your Facebook handle, also known as a vanity URL.
This handle will allow your page’s web address to be customized. Instead of the default jumble of numbers and letters like facebook.com/alkjsdlfkjwelkrjlkjf13lkj234, you’ll be able to direct your viewers to facebook.com/yourveterinaryclinic.
To customize, you’ll need to be an admin on your practice’s Facebook page. This process is easiest done on a desktop, where you’ll
Click Settings under Manage Page on left hand side
Click “edit” next to your current page username
Enter a new username, up to 50 characters
If the username is available, you’ll see a green check and the “Create Username” button enabled.
-The Social DVM Team
Want to learn more about how to use
Facebook to its greatest marketing potential? Check out our new course Facebook for Veterinary Practices!